What This Isn't
This isn't my actual blog. I'm not updating posts or putting thoughts here, and I'm not adding a bunch of bells and whistles. If you want to see what I'm thinking, tweeting, etc., please head back over to Adventures in YA Publishing. The sidebars will tell you more than I ever wanted anyone to know :). You can also find me in any of the other places in the sidebar here -->>>>.
What This Is
It's a place where I collect and share the blog posts I favorited during the week so that I can share them in the THIS WEEK FOR WRITERS post on Saturdays. There are a handful of permanent posts, but they feed directly from my Google Reader with posts from writers, bloggers, industry experts, or whatever. A hodgepodge. Most of them are also in the sidebar on the Adventures site.
If You've Stopped By
Thanks for coming! I'll send you a hug. But that's all I can do, because I'm not actually here. This site is on autopilot. :) There are only so many hours a day I can devote to writing and ... now I am off to write.
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